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Golden Cowboy Club Gathering on Oct. 10

Golden Cowboy Club Gathering on Oct. 10

Our next Golden Cowboy Club gathering is at 9 a.m. Thursday, October 10, at Wyoming Middle School.

Members of the Golden Cowboy Club (Wyoming residents age 60 and over) receive:

  • Monthly Superintendent Update emails and information about community engagement opportunities.
  • Access to a Golden Cowboy Passport Card. The Golden Cowboy Passport entitles the bearer to free admission to school events (plays, home regular season sports competitions, etc.).
  • Invitations to join us twice a year in our school buildings to hear from students and staff about the great work happening in our Wyoming City Schools.

At this meeting, we’ll have refreshments, share information about the Wyoming Primary Schools Master Plan and the November 5 bond levy, and hear from some of our students about what’s going on in their school! Please click here to let us know if you are able to attend. Your response will help us plan for the event but is not necessary to attend.

If you'd like more information or to sign up for the Golden Cowboy Club, please send your request to

Golden Cowboy Club