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December Impact Award Winner: WMS Educational Aide Debi Allen

December Impact Award Winner: WMS Educational Aide Debi Allen

Tremendous work is done across our Wyoming school community to create extraordinary opportunities for students. Wyoming Middle School Educational Aide Debi Allen exemplifies excellence in her work to empower Wyoming students with the knowledge, perspective, and skills essential for success. 

In her work, Mrs. Allen:

  • Is committed to character
  • Supports student and staff member social and emotional well-being
  • Builds relationships with families and colleagues for the purpose of student well-being resulting in academic, social, and emotional success.
  • Allocates resources wisely
  • Celebrates the accomplishments of students and staff members

In the words of those who nominated Mrs. Allen for the WCS Impact Award:

Debi Allen is an incredible asset to our Wyoming Middle School community.

Mrs. Allen goes far beyond the requirements of her job on a daily basis. In addition to supporting students with special education needs in their core content classes, she helps all students gain confidence, knowledge, and critical learning skills.

Debi is beloved and respected by these students. There is audible cheering when students find out they are in a class that is supported by her.

Mrs. Allen is like a celebrity in 7th grade - the students truly love and adore her. We joke that she is the Taylor Swift of Wyoming Middle School.

Debi works tirelessly to make sure all kids feel that they have someone in the classroom who cares for them. While I do not think many people consider it, oftentimes our educational aides have some of the most difficult - and I think most important - assignments within the building.

She has done a phenomenal job running the After School Program where she continues to ensure students get what they need even outside the school day.

Beyond providing a nurturing space for students to complete their homework, Mrs. Allen creates study materials for big tests, uses her personal keys to help them work on their social studies packets, and somehow stays on top of homework for every class for all four grades.

Debi works hard every day to do what is best for students. We would all be lost without her as one of our amazing paraprofessionals at the middle school.

Debi Allen’s contributions over the years are immeasurable and her support to staff and students is invaluable!

Beyond her work with students, Debi is a thoughtful and supportive co-worker. Each and every one of us adores her for her warmth and kindness, and fully appreciates her for her tireless work. We are incredibly lucky to have her!

The WCS Impact Award recognizes staff members who are making a positive impact in the lives of the students, families, and staff of Wyoming City Schools. Please use the link below to complete a brief form to nominate a WCS staff member to be recognized for their exemplary work to empower students and other staff members to be their very best:

Impact Award: Educator Nomination Form

Impact Award Winner Debi Allen