Special Education
Wyoming City Schools is committed to providing a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities identified in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. To learn more about the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), reference the Ohio Department of Education's Guide to Parents Rights.
Each year, Wyoming City School District conducts a state-required count of all children with disabilities living in the district. If you know a child or adolescent between the ages of birth through 21 whom you suspect may have a disability and who is not currently receiving services through the school district, then Wyoming City Schools wants to hear from you.
Wyoming City School District offers an evaluation for all children with suspected disabilities, birth through 21, and education for all children with disabilities ages three through 21.
If you have or know of a child with a disability, contact the Director of Pupil Services at 513-206-7021.