Pupil Services Department Staff
Director of Pupil Services Dr. Tracy Wurtzler - wurtzlert@wyomingcityschools.org
Administrative Assistant Cassandra Bernecker - berneckerc@wyomingcityschools.org
School Psychologist Dr. Cleighton Weiland - weilandc@wyomingcityschools.org
- Conducts Wyoming City Schools Evaluation Team Reports (ETR) for Grades PreK-23
- Supports initial 504 eligibility process
- Conducts reevaluations K-23
- Supports teams to understand the ETR process and member roles
- Support problem-solving meetings leading to ETR
K-12 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coordinator Valerie Theile - theilev@wyomingcityschools.org
- Conducts Tier 1 Academic Professional Learning
- Coaches staff
- Support the 504 process
- Writes Tiered Plans with teams
- works with teams on problem-solving meetings
Parent Mentor & Liaison Katie Towne - townek@wyomingcityschools.org
- Serves as partner and liaison between parents, teachers and school personnel
- Provides information to parents on special education processes
- Serves as a resource to support special education among student teams
PreK-12 Board Certified Behavior Analysts Mary Mushaben and Stacy Tilford
- Conducts Tier 1 Behavior Professional Learning
- Coaches staff
- Writes and facilitates Functional Behavior Assessments
- Writes and facilitates Behavior Intervention Plans
- Works with Tier 4-identified students and teams
- Hamilton County Educational Services Center contracted staff members
For additional assistance, please contact the Wyoming City Schools Pupil Services Department at 513-206-7026.