Five Year Forecast
Twice a year, as required by state law, Wyoming City Schools files a Five Year Forecast with the Ohio Department of Education. It is of the utmost importance to the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education, administration, and staff to operate in a fiscally conservative manner while providing excellent educational opportunities for Wyoming students. The entire Five Year Forecast, along with the accompanying Five-Year Forecast assumptions can be found below, along with a presentation that Treasurer Ronda Johnson gave to the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education on Five Year Forecasts.
Current Five Year Forecast and Assumptions
Presentation to the Board of Education on November 28, 2024
Our positive projections are due in part to the fact that voters in Wyoming passed a 9.5 mill dual-purpose property tax levy on May 2, 2017. With 8 mills of the levy going to operations and 1.5 mills going to district permanent improvements, the district will be able to continue to serve our students and maintain our facilities. Thank you to the Wyoming community for continuing to support the Wyoming City School district.
Please do not hesitate to contact Treasurer Ronda Johnson at or 206-7012 with any questions.