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About the Board

2024 Board of Education

Left to right: Board Member Heather Yee, Board Member Illya Thomas, Board President Jeanie Zoller, Board Member John Feldmeier, and Board Vice President Kara Broderick

A Board of Education is a legal entity for providing a system of public education within a geographic area of the State of Ohio. The system was created by, and is governed by, State statutes. Members of a Board are, therefore, State officers chosen by citizens to represent them and the State in the legislative management of the local schools. Board members as individuals do not separately possess the powers that reside in the Board of Education, except when and as expressly authorized by law or this Board.

Meet the Board

Jeanie Zoller

Ms. Zoller serves on the Citizens Advisory Committee, Finance Committee, City-School Joint Commission, and the Planning and Goal Setting Committee. She is the board's State Legislative Liaison and the liaison to the Wyoming School Foundation.

Ms. Zoller has served on the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education since January 2012. Her current term expires in December 2027.

Contact Information:

Kara Broderick

Ms. Broderick serves on the Finance Committee, City-School Joint Commission, Facilities Committee, and Planning and Goal Setting Committee. She is the liaison to the Wyoming School Music Association.

Ms. Broderick has served on the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education since July 2017. Her current term expires in December 2025.

Contact Information:


John Feldmeier

Mr. Feldmeier serves on the Citizens Advisory Committee, and the Belonging Committee. He is the liaison to the Wyoming Athletic Boosters.

Mr. Feldmeier has served on the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education since June 2022. His current term expires in December 2025.

Contact Information:

Illya Thomas

Mr. Thomas serves on the Belonging Committee, the Student Achievement Committee, and the Policy Review Committee. He is the board's Ohio School Boards Association Alternate.

Mr. Thomas has served on the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education since April 2018. His current term expires in December 2027.

Contact Information


Heather Yee

Ms. Yee serves on the Community Engagement Committee, Facilities Committee, Student Achievement Committee, and Policy Review Committee. She is the board's Ohio School Boards Association Delegate and is the liaison to the Parent School Association.

Ms. Yee has served on the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education since January 2018. Her current term expires in December 2025.

Contact Information:
